Source code for django_superform.forms

This is awesome. And needs more documentation.

To bring some light in the big number of classes in this file:

First there are:

* ``SuperForm``
* ``SuperModelForm``

They are the forms that you probably want to use in your own code. They are
direct base classes of ``django.forms.Form`` and ``django.forms.ModelForm``
and have the formset functionallity of this module backed in. They are ready
to use. Subclass them and be happy.

Then there are:

* ``SuperFormMixin``
* ``SuperModelFormMixin``

These are the mixins you can use if you don't want to subclass from
``django.forms.Form`` for whatever reason. The ones with Base at the beginning
don't have a metaclass attached. The ones without the Base in the name have
the relevant metaclass in place that handles the search for

Here is an example on how you can use this module::

    from django import forms
    from django_superform import SuperModelForm, FormSetField
    from .forms import CommentFormSet

    class PostForm(SuperModelForm):
        title = forms.CharField()
        text = forms.CharField()
        comments = FormSetField(CommentFormSet)

    # Now you can use the form in the view:

    def post_form(request):
        if request.method == 'POST':
            form = PostForm(request.POST, request.FILES)
            if form.is_valid():
                obj =
                return HttpResponseRedirect(obj.get_absolute_url())
            form = PostForm()
        return render_to_response('post_form.html', {
        }, context_instance=RequestContext(request))

And yes, thanks for asking, the ``form.is_valid()`` and ```` calls
transparantly propagate to the defined comments formset and call their
``is_valid()`` and ``save()`` methods. So you don't have to do anything
special in your view!

Now to how you can access the instantiated formsets::

    >>> form = PostForm()
    >>> form.composite_fields['comments']
    <CommetFormSet: ...>

Or in the template::

    {{ form.as_p }}

    {{ form.composite_fields.comments.management_form }}
    {% for fieldset_form in form.composite_fields.comments %}
        {{ fieldset_form.as_p }}
    {% endfor %}

You're welcome.


from functools import reduce
from django import forms
from django.forms.forms import DeclarativeFieldsMetaclass, ErrorDict, ErrorList
from django.forms.models import ModelFormMetaclass
from django.utils import six
import copy

from .boundfield import CompositeBoundField
from .fields import CompositeField

    from collections import OrderedDict
except ImportError:
    from django.utils.datastructures import SortedDict as OrderedDict

class DeclerativeCompositeFieldsMetaclass(type):
    Metaclass that converts FormField and FormSetField attributes to a
    dictionary called `composite_fields`. It will also include all composite
    fields from parent classes.

    def __new__(mcs, name, bases, attrs):
        # Collect composite fields from current class.
        current_fields = []
        for key, value in list(attrs.items()):
            if isinstance(value, CompositeField):
                current_fields.append((key, value))
        current_fields.sort(key=lambda x: x[1].creation_counter)
        attrs['declared_composite_fields'] = OrderedDict(current_fields)

        new_class = super(DeclerativeCompositeFieldsMetaclass, mcs).__new__(
            mcs, name, bases, attrs)

        # Walk through the MRO.
        declared_fields = OrderedDict()
        for base in reversed(new_class.__mro__):
            # Collect fields from base class.
            if hasattr(base, 'declared_composite_fields'):

            # Field shadowing.
            for attr, value in base.__dict__.items():
                if value is None and attr in declared_fields:

        new_class.base_composite_fields = declared_fields
        new_class.declared_composite_fields = declared_fields

        return new_class

class SuperFormMetaclass(
    Metaclass for :class:`~django_superform.forms.SuperForm`.

class SuperModelFormMetaclass(
    Metaclass for :class:`~django_superform.forms.SuperModelForm`.

[docs]class SuperFormMixin(object): """ The base class for all super forms. It behaves just like a normal django form but will also take composite fields, like :class:`~django_superform.fields.FormField` and :class:`~django_superform.fields.FormSetField`. Cleaning, validation, etc. should work totally transparent. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(SuperFormMixin, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._init_composite_fields() def __getitem__(self, name): """ Returns a BoundField for the given field name. It also returns CompositeBoundField instances for composite fields. """ if name not in self.fields and name in self.composite_fields: field = self.composite_fields[name] return CompositeBoundField(self, field, name) return super(SuperFormMixin, self).__getitem__(name) def add_composite_field(self, name, field): """ Add a dynamic composite field to the already existing ones and initialize it appropriatly. """ self.composite_fields[name] = field self._init_composite_field(name, field) def get_composite_field_value(self, name): """ Return the form/formset instance for the given field name. """ field = self.composite_fields[name] if hasattr(field, 'get_form'): return self.forms[name] if hasattr(field, 'get_formset'): return self.formsets[name] def _init_composite_field(self, name, field): if hasattr(field, 'get_form'): form = field.get_form(self, name) self.forms[name] = form if hasattr(field, 'get_formset'): formset = field.get_formset(self, name) self.formsets[name] = formset def _init_composite_fields(self): """ Setup the forms and formsets. """ # The base_composite_fields class attribute is the *class-wide* # definition of fields. Because a particular *instance* of the class # might want to alter self.composite_fields, we create # self.composite_fields here by copying base_composite_fields. # Instances should always modify self.composite_fields; they should not # modify base_composite_fields. self.composite_fields = copy.deepcopy(self.base_composite_fields) self.forms = OrderedDict() self.formsets = OrderedDict() for name, field in self.composite_fields.items(): self._init_composite_field(name, field) def full_clean(self): """ Clean the form, including all formsets and add formset errors to the errors dict. Errors of nested forms and formsets are only included if they actually contain errors. """ super(SuperFormMixin, self).full_clean() for field_name, composite in self.forms.items(): composite.full_clean() if not composite.is_valid() and composite._errors: self._errors[field_name] = ErrorDict(composite._errors) for field_name, composite in self.formsets.items(): composite.full_clean() if not composite.is_valid() and composite._errors: self._errors[field_name] = ErrorList(composite._errors) @property def media(self): """ Incooperate composite field's media. """ media_list = [] media_list.append(super(SuperFormMixin, self).media) for composite_name in self.composite_fields.keys(): form = self.get_composite_field_value(composite_name) media_list.append( return reduce(lambda a, b: a + b, media_list)
[docs]class SuperModelFormMixin(SuperFormMixin): def save(self, commit=True): """ If ``commit=False`` django's modelform implementation will attach a ``save_m2m`` method to the form instance, so that you can call it manually later. When you call ``save_m2m``, the ``save_formsets`` method will be executed as well. """ saved_obj = super(SuperModelFormMixin, self).save(commit=commit) self.save_forms(commit=commit) self.save_formsets(commit=commit) return saved_obj def _extend_save_m2m(self, name, composites): additional_save_m2m = [] for composite in composites: if hasattr(composite, 'save_m2m'): additional_save_m2m.append(composite.save_m2m) if not additional_save_m2m: return def additional_saves(): for save_m2m in additional_save_m2m: save_m2m() # The save() method was called before save_forms()/save_formsets(), so # we will already have save_m2m() available. if hasattr(self, 'save_m2m'): _original_save_m2m = self.save_m2m else: _original_save_m2m = lambda: None def augmented_save_m2m(): _original_save_m2m() additional_saves() self.save_m2m = augmented_save_m2m setattr(self, name, additional_saves) def save_forms(self, commit=True): saved_composites = [] for name, composite in self.forms.items(): field = self.composite_fields[name] if hasattr(field, 'save'):, name, composite, commit=commit) saved_composites.append(composite) self._extend_save_m2m('save_forms_m2m', saved_composites) def save_formsets(self, commit=True): """ Save all formsets. If ``commit=False``, it will modify the form's ``save_m2m()`` so that it also calls the formsets' ``save_m2m()`` methods. """ saved_composites = [] for name, composite in self.formsets.items(): field = self.composite_fields[name] if hasattr(field, 'save'):, name, composite, commit=commit) saved_composites.append(composite) self._extend_save_m2m('save_formsets_m2m', saved_composites)
[docs]class SuperModelForm(six.with_metaclass(SuperModelFormMetaclass, SuperModelFormMixin, forms.ModelForm)): pass
[docs]class SuperForm(six.with_metaclass(SuperFormMetaclass, SuperFormMixin, forms.Form)): pass